Tech Bulletin: NetWare Tape Subsystem Software IBM/TI or Victor NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: NetWare Tape Subsystem Software IBM/TI or Victor DOCUMENT ID: TB.P.162 DATE: 12/1/86 PRODUCT: NetWare PRODUCT VERSION: NetWare Tape Subsystem Software SUPERSEDES: NA SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM The versions for SBACKUP.I and SRESTORE.I on NetWare Tape Subsystem Software in either the IBM/TI or Victor Formats have been updated. SBACKUP.I is now V1.6 and SRESTORE.I is now V1.8. This software is now available at no charge for those needing it. Contact either the NetWare Center in your area or the Novell Sales department and ask for the following part numbers, IBM/TI Format # 127-010055-001 Rev. F or Victor Format # 127-010056-001 Rev. F. The reason for the version change is bug fixes and enhancements. They are as follows: SBACKUP.I SBACKUP.I V1.6 will now operate properly on larger volumes. Where V1.5 would only work on volumes less than 128 Megabytes, this version will work on volumes larger than 128 Megabytes. It also checks for the proper sequence number when traversing the DIRSTAMP.SYS fat-chain. This was done because the software could potentially hang if the fat-chain was not functioning properly. SRESTORE.I SRESTORE.I version 1.8 will also operate properly on larger volumes. It also has some further enhancements as follows: It now uses an insert-sort algorithm (rather than bubble sort) to speed up the "disk surgery." It has a much more efficient way of counting the bits in the bitmap. The number of bits set in the bitmap identifies the proper block from the tape. If the file size in the directory entry does not match the size determined from traversing the fat-chain, SRESTORE.I ignores the directory entry value and uses the fat-chain. This helps the software handle erroneous data in the directory entry. SRESTORE.I also checks for circularly linked fat-chains.